Whalepass.gg blog

Whalepass SDK Release And Other Exciting Updates

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Hayder Sharhan
Hayder Sharhan

We are excited to announce the latest release of Whalepass. Here's a breakdown of the exciting features and improvements we've implemented:

Unity SDK Release: With the launch of the Whalepass Unity SDK, integrating Whalepass into your Unity projects has never been easier. Seamlessly integrate Whalepass functionalities into your game development workflow and unlock a world of possibilities.

Visual Redesigns and Enhancements: We've revamped both the developer dashboard and user dashboard for a more intuitive and user-friendly experience. Here's a closer look at the enhancements made to the player dashboard:

-- Players can now effortlessly monitor the status of their linked accounts.

-- Track your current battle pass progress with precision, displayed in a seamless experience tailored to your gameplay.

-- Experience visual improvements aimed at enhancing overall usability and enjoyment.

Onchain Rewards Scalable Release: We are proud to announce that we've decided to partner with Thirdweb as our Web3 infrastructure -- going live with Polygon network for now but others will be added soon as well. Additionally, traditional payment methods are now seamlessly integrated with Stripe, offering a smooth payment experience for all users.

Homepage Redesign: Our homepage has undergone a complete transformation based on invaluable user feedback. We've reimagined the layout to provide clearer explanations of our services and offerings, ensuring that users can easily navigate and understand the value Whalepass brings to their game development journey.

New Documentation Site: We've deprecated our documentation that was living on Github in favor of a dedicated site to serve the information better. Access it HERE

Improved Infrastructure Design to Help Continuity and Repeatability: Migrating away from a Battlepass based approach into a game based approach allows developers to rollout multiple battlepasses throughout the year with little effort. Check our Game Actions for example!

We've added our own testing and staging environments: Next up? We'll be adding version management and a development environment for you!

In addition to these major updates, we've also implemented various bug fixes, performance enhancements, and user experience improvements to further elevate your Whalepass experience.

At Whalepass, we are committed to empowering game developers with the tools they need to thrive in an ever-evolving industry. Join us on this exciting journey as we continue to revolutionize game development and player experiences.

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